CROWNJUN -河野製作所グループ公式サイト

Kono Seisakusho Group

Corporate Vision

Technology Development Venture

We have three visions as a "Technology Development Venture."

1. New products launched within the past 10 years will account for 50% of total revenue.
2. Launch at least two world's only one or No.1 products per year.
3. Create new business ventures and cultivate staff capable of managing them.

We create markets and values by constantly developing new technologies.

Technology Development Venture

We have three visions as a "Technology Development Venture."

  1. New products launched within the past 10 years will account for 50% of total revenue.
  2. Launch at least two new products per year.
  3. Create new business ventures and cultivate staff capable of managing them.

We create markets and values by constantly developing new technologies.

Slogan & CultureEfforts to Achieve Our Vision

  • Challenge to the Top of Global Niche Markets

    Today, there are still many injuries and diseases with few solutions. Especially, small-sized markets with few patients are risky for companies to enter. "Challenge to the Top of Global Niche Markets" is the slogan to save as many patients as possible and to create new treatments by our know-how in technology.
    We aim to discover the needs around the world and create 100 markets in various fields and areas.

  • 30% Culture

    To launch more than two new products a year, 30% of work time of employees is devoted to new challenges.
    Responsibility for the challenges are distributed among employees to activate innovation.
    Each and every employees are welcomed to lead projects to grow their skills for launching business.

  • Open Innovation

    We have been investigating and gathering basic research and technologies throughout Japan that are not directly related to medical care. Today, we apply open innovation inside our company by sharing and creating ideas through cross-departmental projects.
    Furthermore, starting with the new office in Tokyo, we are creating places where everyone with ideas, both inside and outside the company, can gather for open innovation.