Production Engineering

Quantification of Manufacturing
"Quantification" is one of the key terms in Kono Seisakusho.
At the time when we were developing the 30㎛ needle, our well-skilled engineers were aged 60 to 70.
Junior employees learned their skills mainly by observing them. This traditional way of learning had the danger of the concentration and loss of skills. Regarding the risks, we decided shifting from experience-based manufacturing to quantification. -
Challenge Towards Automation From 2010, our challenge towards automation has launched. The aim was: to create an environment, where everyone with normal skills and with access to devices can manufacture products within standards.
Our first machine was completed in 2017, through analyses of our well-skilled engineers. Today, we have succeeded the automation of needle manufacturing in most process.
Automation allowed every employees to manufacture products with constant quality, regardless of their working experiences. In addition, our productivity has increased. Our employees who engaged in needle manufacturing are now focusing on research and product development. Our next aim is the automation besides needle manufacturing. The ongoing automation project has already gained some fruits; we learned new manufacturing skills through automation and are now using them in developing products. -
Passing Down Our Unique Technology No one faces surgeries with same condition; what each doctor requests differs, as well as the condition of each patient.
We estimate that their diversity will create various needs in our products. It is necessary for us to possess more technologies for custom made productions.
Our "automation" is to pass down the history of skilled-workers who had supported our production of many models in small quantities.