CROWNJUN -河野製作所グループ公式サイト

Kono Seisakusho Group

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Article 1 (General Provisions)

  1. Kono Seisakusho Co., Ltd. (referred to as "the Company") respects the privacy of customers (referred to as "Users") who use various web services operated by the Company (referred to as "the Services") and takes meticulous care in managing User's personal data and other privacy-related information (referred to as "Privacy Information").
  2. The Company complies with various laws and regulations, including the Personal Information Protection Law, and other norms to handle personal information collected from Users appropriately. The Company also aims to continuously improve the handling of User's personal information by strengthening the structure for managing personal information and introducing SSL technology, among others.

Article 2 (Consent to this Policy, Withdrawal of Consent)

  1. Users who provide their Privacy Information to the Company by making inquiries, registering for membership in the Services, purchasing products through the Services, or other means consent to this Policy after thoroughly reading its contents.
  2. Users have the right to withdraw their consent to the use of Privacy Information by the Company.
  3. The consent to and withdrawal of consent from this Policy shall be carried out through means specified by the Company.
  4. When Users use the Services, the Company assumes that the Users have consented to the collection of Privacy Information utilizing web tracking technologies such as cookies, IP addresses, access logs, etc.

Article 3 (Collection of Privacy Information, etc.)

  1. In providing the Services, the Company collects or acquires the following information from Users:
    • Information provided by Users through forms, including but not limited to, name, information related to inquiries, email, addresses, telephone numbers, and affiliations.
    • Information collected by the Company from Users through web tracking technologies such as cookies, IP addresses, access logs, access analysis tools, etc.: This includes information about the user's connection environment such as the type of device, operating system, browser, information about the user's behavior history and browsing history, information about the user's preferences related to purchased or viewed products, and cookie information. It should be noted that this information does not include personally identifiable information that could identify the user.
  2. The Company lawfully and fairly obtains Privacy Information and does not engage in unauthorized acquisition of Privacy Information against the user's will.

Article 4 (Purposes of Use of Privacy Information)

The Company uses the Privacy Information collected from Users for the purpose of operating the Services. The main purposes of use are as follows:
(1) To fulfill purchase and sale contracts for products (payment, product delivery, etc.).
(2) To provide various services for members.
(3) For billing, identity verification, and authentication.
(4) To respond to Users and third parties who have requested claims or information disclosure, etc.
(5) To conduct events, surveys, contests, campaigns, etc.
(6) For marketing research, statistics, and analysis.
(7) For system maintenance and troubleshooting.
(8) For the development, delivery, and verification of advertisements.
(9) To provide technical support and respond to inquiries from Users.
(10) To prevent fraudulent or potentially illegal activities.
(11) To provide notifications and announcements regarding the Services and various services operated by the Company.
(12) To share information among affiliated companies of the Company.
(13) For handling disputes, lawsuits, etc.

Article 5 (Third-Party Provision of Personal Information)

  1. The Company shall disclose the recipient and the content of the provided information when disclosing or providing a user's personal information to a third party, and shall obtain the user's consent. Except in the following cases, the Company will not disclose or provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the user's prior consent:
    (1) Cases where disclosure is requested based on laws or regulations, etc.
    (2) Cases where lawyers, prosecutors, police, etc. request disclosure within the scope necessary for an investigation.
    (3) Cases where information is shared among affiliated companies of the Company.
    (4) Cases where a part of the business is entrusted to a third party within the scope necessary for providing the Service.
  2. When entrusting the handling of personal information to a third party, the Company will supervise the entrusted party as required and appropriate under the Personal Information Protection Law.
  3. If the Company provides the Service through platforms of third-party operators (referred to as "External Services"), or provides advertising, application distribution, and other services through External Services, the Company may share the user's personal information with the operators of the External Services. In such cases, the handling of personal information and other information within the External Services will be subject to the privacy policy of the respective operator.
  4. If the Company transfers its business to a third party through merger, division, or similar transactions, or transfers all or part of the Service to a third party, the Company may provide the user's personal information related to the Service to the said third party. In such cases, the Company will disclose the date and the recipient of the transfer of the Service to the user in advance, and the user who does not agree will not have their personal information provided to the third party.
  5. Kono Seisakusho Group consists of Kono Seisakusho Co., Ltd., Crown Jun Kono Co., Ltd., CJK Holdings Co., Ltd., and CJK Medical Lab Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Group Companies"). Within the scope necessary for the performance of business conducted directly or through delegation by the Group Companies, Kono Seisakusho Group may engage in the joint use of customer's personal data under the following conditions:
    (1) Items of Personal Data Subject to Joint Use:
    Name, date of birth, address, telephone number, occupation and workplace, family, information related to individual transactions.
    (2) Range of Joint Users:
    Group Companies of Kono Seisakusho Group (Kono Seisakusho Co., Ltd., Crown Jun Kono Co., Ltd., CJK Holdings Co., Ltd., CJK Medical Lab Co., Ltd.).
    (3) Purposes of Use:
    ① Information, research, and development related to various products and services.
    ② Determination for providing various products and services.
    ③ Implementation of events, surveys, campaigns, and similar activities related to various products and services.
    ④ Marketing research, statistics, analysis.
    ⑤ Proper performance of management and administration tasks as a group, including understanding and managing various risks.
    (4) Name, Address, and Representative's Name of the Person Responsible for the Management of Personal Data:
    Kono Seisakusho Co., Ltd.
    2-11-10 Soya, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba 272-0832, Japan
    President: Junichi Kono

Article 6 (Management and Retention Period of Privacy Information)

  1. During the period in which users utilize this service, the Company shall rigorously manage privacy information disclosed or provided by the users.
  2. When the Company no longer requires the retained privacy information, efforts shall be made to promptly delete such information. Furthermore, if a user requests the deletion of privacy information, the same measures will be taken.

Article 7 (Procedures for Requests for Disclosure, etc.)

For requests regarding disclosure, etc., please contact us using the inquiry form.

Article 8 (Automatically Collected Information)

  1. When using this website, certain non-personally identifiable information may be automatically collected through techniques such as cookies and access log analysis (this information is collected even if site visitors do not actively provide it).
  2. Information that does not personally identify individuals, such as the version of the internet browser used on your computer, the URL of the site visited immediately prior to this site, and IP addresses, is automatically sent to this site through your internet browser.
  3. On this site, we collect such non-personally identifiable information through cookies from the computer you are using.
  4. While internet browsers you use may have features to notify you of cookie reception or allow you to decline cookies, certain services on this site may require the use of cookies for access.
  5. Through the collection of this type of information via this site, Kono Seisakusho Co., Ltd. aims to provide better services to site users, customize the site according to user preferences, analyze statistical results and trends, and improve site operation.
  6. Kono Seisakusho Co., Ltd. will not associate the non-personally identifiable information collected in this manner with the personally identifiable information provided through this site without permission. However, please refer to the following section regarding the use of cookies.

Article 9 (Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies)

  1. On our website, Kono Manufacturing Co., Ltd. utilizes the mechanisms of cookies, IP addresses, and web beacons (collectively referred to as "Cookies and Similar Technologies") for the following purposes:
    (1) Maintaining sessions
    (2) Enhancing user convenience based on statistical analysis of website usage patterns
    (3) Delivering behavior-targeted advertisements (ads tailored to customers' interests and preferences based on site browsing information)
    (4) Providing services and information suited to customers' interests and needs
    (5) Improving Kono Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s services, including the use of cookies
    It is important to note that the information acquired through Cookies and Similar Technologies does not include personally identifiable information.
  2. For the aforementioned purposes, our website may use the following tools:
    Pardot (Provider:, inc.)
    Google Analytics (Provider: Google Inc.)
  3. We do not collect personally identifiable information from customers through the use of cookies and similar technologies. However, with regard to Pardot, we may associate cookies and similar technologies with the personally identifiable information that we hold.
  4. The handling of information collected, recorded, and analyzed by each tool provider is governed by the respective privacy policies of those tool providers. Customers have the option to stop the use of cookies and similar technologies by visiting the opt-out pages provided by each tool provider or by adjusting their browser settings.
  5. Please refer to the following information for each tool provider:

    ■ Pardot
    Tool Provider:, inc.
    Terms of Use: Pardot Terms of Use
    Privacy Policy: Salesforce Privacy Policy
    Disablement: Change your browser settings to disable cookies.

    ■ Google Analytics
    Tool Provider: Google Inc.
    Terms of Use: Google Analytics Terms of Use
    Privacy Policy: Google Privacy Policy
    Disablement: Use the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on or adjust your browser settings.

Article 10 (Third-Party Provision of Information Obtained through Cookies, etc.)

For the purposes described in the preceding Article "Use of Cookies, etc.," we may provide non-personal information obtained through cookies and similar technologies to third parties.

Article 11 (Behavioral Targeting Advertising)

  1. We may utilize behavioral targeting advertising services provided by third-party advertising operators (referred to as "advertising operators"). These advertising operators deliver targeted advertisements based on information obtained through cookies and similar technologies, which are derived from your browsing history on websites.
  2. The information collected through cookies by advertising operators will be used in accordance with the privacy policies of those advertising operators. You can opt out of the use of this information for delivering targeted advertisements based on your browsing history by following the methods specified by the respective advertising operators:


Article 12 (Changes to this Policy)

  1. The Company reserves the right to revise this policy at its own discretion. In the event of a revision to this policy, except in cases of urgency, the Company will notify users in an appropriate manner determined by the Company.
  2. Revisions to this policy shall take effect when the revised Privacy Policy is posted on the website or app associated with the services.
  3. Users who do not agree with the revisions to this policy have the option to request the deletion of their personal information through the means specified in Article 7.

Article 13 (Consent to Jurisdiction and Applicable Law)

  1. This Policy shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan.
  2. Any disputes arising in connection with this Policy shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company's main office as the court of first instance.

Article 14 (Person in Charge of Management)

The Company has appointed the following organization as the responsible party for the management of personal information, and is actively engaged in implementing measures for the appropriate management and protection of personal information. For inquiries, consultations, and requests for disclosure under Article 7 related to personal information, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Kono Seisakusho Co., Ltd.
2-11-10 Soya, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba 272-0832, Japan
President: Junichi Kono

Enacted: September 1st, 2020
Revised: April 1st, 2023